Anne Frank
Anne Frank: A Symbol of Innocence, Truth, Perseverance, and Hope. Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany on the 12th of June, 1929. Her father is Otto Frank, and her mother is Edith Hollander (later Edith Frank). She also have an older sister, named Margot Frank which was born in 1926. The Franks were liberal Jews, which means that they didn't observe all of the traditions of Judaism. Shortly after her birth, at 1933, Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party won the federal election. This made Otto worry later on February 1934, the Franks moved to Amsterdam. Otto worked at a company named Opekta Works, which is a company that sold the fruit exract, pektin. In Amsterdam, Anne and Margot enrolled in school. Anne was in a Montessori school, and she showed aptitude for reading and writing. One of her friends, Hanneli Goslar, recalled that she frequently wrote but were shielding her work from others people (not wanting to discuss about her writings). They were living in Netherlands ...