All About Me

Hello! My name is Marchotridyo. I am a student at 3 Senior High School Bandung. I'm a boy, and I like playing music, gathering with my friends, and sleeping.

I was born in Bontang, at the 1st of March 2002. I only lived there for like 1 year. So, I have no memories what so ever in Bontang, so I can't tell you much about it. Then I moved to Makassar because my dad's job forced him to move there. If my memories were right, I stayed there for a bit because I had my playgroup days there. And after that I moved to Semarang where I had my pre-school days (kindergarten) until grade 1. I moved to Surabaya after that, until grade 3. After that, I moved to Bandung where I am staying until now.

If you're wondering how I look like, you might imagine someone with an average height, black hair, and I wear glasses. For my skin color, it's quite brown, just like the most of the people here. I quite like sports too! I play as a goalkeeper in soccer, and I do like playing badminton too.

Something special about me? I am quite good at music. I can play almost any instrument you name, as long as it's a melodic one. I don't really like rhythm instruments but I also can play them, like the cajon and the drums. I main the piano, and right now I like to play the saxophone. In bands, I play the guitar while singing. I also am the coach of my Junior High School's ensemble team. I also sing!

Another special thing about me, is my ability in academic stuffs is quite above average. Starting from grade 3, I have never got a rank lower than 1, which is quite good, eh? Some luck were involved, though. In real life, I am quite the crazy, clueless guy, that sometimes makes people ask, am I for real or I'm just acting stupid. Well, I like to do both. I sometimes act stupid or sometimes I am just really stupid.

I have 2 older brothers, one is already working and the other one is still in college. Both of them had college in STEI ITB. And that's my minimum target for college! I aim to go to NUS, National University of Singapore.

I like coding. I have my own personal website, which I made 100% by myself! I learned how to make it from some YouTube videos, which you can check here:

I like to cover some of the famous musics out there right now, where I upload it at my own personal instagram account, @acomarcho. Feel free to follow me! I'll follow you back, I promise.

How am I in real life? I'm quite a nice guy, and quite trust-able. Starting from grade 7 I was selected as the class representative and it continues until now, grade 10. Something I can brag about to my friends as I don't think many people have the same achievement, yeah? 

Right now, I'm single. I have some interests at a girl at my school tho, which I don't want to talk about here, hehe. It's quite some privacy, you know?

What do I want to be? I'm still not quite sure yet, but for sure I am working hard to be a programmer. I take courses online on how to program, because I don't want to make my parents spend money on me studying 'unimportant, not-school stuffs'. Everything is available online now, right? Well, as long as you use it wisely you'll surely learn something, if not a lot of things out there, trust me!

Maybe that's all I can talk about right now in this blog post, for more information, if you're curious about something, feel free to leave a question in the comments!


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