An Experience When You Feel Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed

Hello, readers!

Don't you think, that feeling blessed and grateful is one of the best feelings in the world?
When you are really desperate at that time, but someone helped you. When you really need someone, and someone comes there to help you.

Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed.

I wanted to share one thing I read yesterday while I was checking my Instagram feeds.
One of my friends liked a post about a GO-JEK driver helping his customer, without wanting any payment back.

So, one day, a girl who is studying at Universitas Indonesia woke up a little bit late, so she's in a bit of hurry. She had something to print, but she doesn't have a printer in the place where she lives at. Because she's in a hurry too, she decided to go outside and check for the nearest photocopy store.

Unfortunately, it was Sunday! No photocopies were open around that time, 8 a.m. in the morning. She was really desperate. She has to complete her work on that day! She needed to print a name tag to use in her first days at Universitas Indonesia. So, not thinking long, she decided just to go to her university and let things work it's way.

She used GO-JEK and called a driver. The driver was a man in his late 20s. On the ride, they had a little bit of chat. She told the driver that earlier in the morning she was desperate on finding the closest photocopy store. She told the driver that she has to complete her name tag today.

Lucky for her! The driver owns a photocopy store! So on her way, the driver took him to his photocopy store. He unlocked the key to his store, and printed her name tag there. She was really thankful! And because she felt really grateful she decided to give him extra money for the help he gave to her.

But, the driver told her that he doesn't want to accept the extra fee. He told her that he's doing it without hoping for any extra payments. He just wanted to help others because he knows what it's like when you are in a desperate situation. He just wanted to help others, contributing to making the world into a better place.

I can't even imagine how grateful she was at that time! Because of the GO-JEK driver helped her, she completed her name tag and doesn't have to worry anymore going to her university.


I also read a story about another GO-JEK driver helping someone who is in need of some kind of help.

So, a guy shared a post at Instagram, telling the world a story about how grateful he was when he got a help from a GO-JEK driver.

One day, he was riding a motorcycle to work when suddenly his gas runs out. He forgot to fill his tank the earlier day. The nearest petrol station was a bit far from the location, so he was forced to walk his motorcycle to the nearest petrol station.

That was until help came, a GO-JEK driver asked to him what happened, and he told the driver that his gas ran out and he had to walk to the nearest gas station, while bringing his motorcycle so he can go to work.

Luckily, the GO-JEK driver was a really good person! He opened his motorcycle's tank, and with the use of a hose the driver gave him some of his petrol so the driver can get to the nearest petrol station.
Like the story before, he also offered the GO-JEK driver some payment, but he refused. He said that he just wanted to help others! The guy that was in need of help before, is now really grateful for what had happened on that day.


There are actually still more examples about people helping each others when they are actually in need of help too (i.e. needing some money) but rejecting other's payments because they did it just to help you, not expecting any payments whatsoever.

That was just 2 examples of stories I found shared on Instagram that moved my heart a bit. I do hope it moved yours too :)


There are a few things I want to say here.

I am really happy that there are still good people in this world. In this world where bad things happen almost everyday and you see it every single day on the news, radio, or any information medias.

Please, help each others if you can. If you have the extra power, please help others in need. Eventually, you'll be in a place like them, when you need help. If you know what it feels like when you need help, you'll surely help others in need.

And please, if you got a help from someone, at least say thanks! It will make them feel better. A single thanks with a smile can make someone's day so much more brighter.

Help each others, and you'll make the world a better place.

Doesn't matter if you're rich, if you're average, or if you're just a GO-JEK driver, as long as you can help, why not! Because I believe in one day, God will give us way much more than what we had gave to others.


I wanted to share a quote I found in the internet for you, my readers!

"Grateful for small things, big things, and everything in between."
(note: I didn't make this quote! I found it on the internet and it seems that it has no writer name on it, so thank you whoever made the quote!)

It doesn't have to be big things! Every small things that makes you feel grateful, blessed, and thankful, please appreciate that moment and say thanks to whoever gave you those feelings.


I hope you enjoyed this post! May god bless us all.


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