
Anigata, Abhipraya, Gathapraya!

30th of September, 2017, was the date of my school's annual school cultural festival,
"Gathapraya". It was one of the most waited things to happen in our school. The excitement, the hype, the anticipation made for the event can't be described in words. We all were so excited for the event to start.

Before that, the Gathapraya committee worked so hard to prepare the festival. They worked everyday, selling stuffs like rice boxes and other foods everyday to people to fulfill the budget needed for the festival. They also worked day and night on weekends promoting the festival itself! Every Sunday, they go to the Car Free Day festival at Dago doing garage sales and promoting our beloved festival. The decoration team also worked very hard the last two weeks! They wouldn't mind spending their time to rest just to create the decorations used for the festival. If they usually come home around 4 pm, they would go home at 8 pm just to prepare the decorations needed for the festival.

I, who is not a part of the Gathapraya committee, did also participate in helping it too. The committee were selling merchandises, and I, as my class's representative held responsibility to sell them. The merchandises had a lot of variety, starting from clothes, hoodies, stickers, and keychains. They were all themed 3 Senior High School, the school where I'm studying in right now.

I also participated in a way where I performed on Gathapraya too! I got invited by the one of the school's extracurricular activity, "Musik Klasik" (short for MK). I got invited 2 days before Gathapraya, so it's quite a bit of a shock for me because I need to prepare 3 songs to be played on the day of Gathapraya. And at that time, I only knew one of the songs! Worse, I had to play 3 different instruments for the three songs, one song being the guitar, one song being the drums, and one song being the piano. I also joined the choir team for the collaboration team between our school extracurricular activities.

MK Recruitment
So, at the 28th of September, 2 days before Gathapraya, I got invited by one of my seniors to help them perform. He asked me if I could play the drums, and I answered "a little" because I just started drums like 1 day prior to that. He said just join them at their practice tomorrow and they'll decide.

So, on the 29th of September, I skipped my studies from 8.00am to 11.30am because I went to the Santana Music Studio which is located not far from school. I went there by Grab, with MK seniors. When we arrived there, I got told that they're going to play 3 songs. But I was only told one! But I decided "oh well, I'm going to practice them, no matter what". So, for the first song, "Tanya Jadi Cinta" I played the drums like they told me before. And for the second song, "Akad", I played the guitar. And for the third song, by Tulus, I played the piano even though I just played the melody, not touching the chords at all, because I didn't know the song at that time.

Choir Recruitment
I joined the choir team like 4 days before Gathapraya, so at the 26th of September. We practiced traditional songs, like "Bungong Jeumpa", "Yamko Rambe Yamko", "Ondel-ondel", "Kampuang nan Jauh di Mato". There were only 2 males in the choir team, and this is the first time I joined a choir team. We also practiced "Viva la Vida"! We accompanied the Angklung team as the vocals for their song. We practiced every day after school so we go home around 6pm just to prepare the best for Gathapraya.

The day of Gathapraya
30th of September, 2017.

Parade and Fashion Show
Puspa, Me, and Inez at Saparua, preparing for the Parade.

I woke up early because I had to prepare for the fashion show and parade I will be participating in! My class chose me as the representative for the fashion show, and I participated it with my classmate, Safina Pratiwi Putri (Inez). We wore South Sulawesi dresses which we had rented a day earlier. I arrived at Saparua around 7.30am where I prepared for the parade. There were only like 8 people participating from my class on the parade.
While waiting the parade to start, we watched a few dances from various schools in Bandung. Traditional dances like Mojang Priangan, and Kuda Lumping. People were dancing beautifully! Then I got to ride a horse with the other male fashion show contestants as a part of the traditional culture. After that, around 9.30am we started our parade, walking from Saparua to Bali street. The horses were in the front line, followed by the fashion show contestants that doesn't have to ride the horse, and followed by the other participants.
We actually made a lot of traffic jam, because there were like hundreds of participant. We were helped by the local police and the committee. At 11am, we finally arrived at Bali street, and entered Bali field.

Me, riding a horse.

Before the fashion show started, we had to greet a few VIP guests who will open Gathapraya. After taking them to their seats, we waited for our turn for the fashion show. Around 1pm, we got on the stage and performed our fashion show. We walked to the stage and performed one gesture, then we made a tidy line in front of the stage, waiting for others to complete their walks. After that, we went down the stage and took a photo together.

MK's Performance
Me, playing the keyboard.
Me, playing the guitar.

After I finished the fashion show, my MK seniors told me that we will be performing soon! So I had to change my dress quickly to match up the dresscode for MK. It was black and white shirts with fabric trousers. I went to the backstage again, preparing to perform. It was my debut as a drummer. I was a little bit scared, but it soon went away. So, around 2.30pm we went up the stage and performed. We didn't really have any failures while performing, and everything went well! The audience were great too. They were taking pictures of us, singing along with us, and cheering us up! I felt so happy being able to perform at that day.

The School Extracurricular Collaboration Team
After completing MK's Performance, I went quickly to the school because I had to practice for the school's collaboration team. I acted as the choir there, where we help the main vocals singing the song. From 3pm, we stayed at 12 Science 4 until we are told to go to the backstage. At 4pm, we were told to go to the backstage, so we went back to Bali field at that time. 4.30pm, we went on the stage.

The stage was a bit crowded, because the whole Angklung team had to be there. I was on the right side of the stage. I wore the same clothes I used for the MK performance, but I used a fedora hat I borrowed from my senior. The performance went well, just we were lacking a bit of microphone so there were some parts of music that were not heard.

Close gate until the end
After the gate were closed at 4pm, it means we're on the peak of Gathapraya. We started to see amazing performances like from the school theater, from a local dancer who's famous internationally, from a sand sculpter and many more! Gathapraya was amazing. Audiences were very hyped and they all participated in cheering the performers up! The performers, too, performed amazingly.

Then, the peak just keeps on being better. Elephant Kind showed up on the stage. With their indie style music and loud drums, we all jumped like crazy. We danced, we shouted, letting all our emotions up. Even though I don't know most of their songs, it was still a good experience watching them perform.

Then, HIVI! came on the stage! I have to say that HIVI is one of my favourite Indonesian bands. Their songs are pretty easy to listen, and the lyrics have great meaning! They specialize in making romantic songs, and I find them pretty relate-able, so I really enjoyed them performing. We, the audiences, sang along together with them. Waving our hands up in the air with our phone flash on. Songs that were my favorites, like "Pelangi", "Orang Ketiga", "Siapkah Kau tuk Jatuh Cinta Lagi" were played. It was a beautiful sight, and a beautiful experience.

The last performer, Nidji, then came on the stage! It was like 10pm at that time, and you might wonder how tired we were at that time. But, Nidji rocked the stage and the audience! With his "disco-ic" songs we jumped, we shouted, we danced together with our friends even though we were tired like crazy. He played his songs like "Di Atas Awan", "Laskar Pelangi", and "Hapus Aku". Fireworks were lit, and the sight is really beautiful! The stage light was mesmerizing. I can't describe how it looked like in words. It was just absolutely astonishing and unforgettable for me.

After Nidji finished performing, we all went home and took some rest. It was a really great, but also tiring day. People were really exhausted at that day. Even the committees took some sleep when they're not working on that day, due to how tired they were preparing Gathapraya.

Gathapraya is probably one of the days you would go back to if you had a time machine due the beautiful experiences and memories that it creates.
Thank you for reading my story! 


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