there for you. || An English Drama

A college-based romance film, shot in ITB and 3 Senior High School in Bandung.
This is a story about 2 college students who needs to focus on their studies but happened to be falling in love with each other.

A boy (Marcho) with his crush (Ananda) studies at the same college, but they are in different faculties. Because of different works to do, they have occasional fights and are not able to maintain their relationship very well.

As time goes by, they really are trying to maintain their relationship but there’s 2 other girls (Puspa and Imala) who are trying to make the distance between the boy and his crush farther. They didn’t like the relationship that the boy and his crush had.
Because of that, their relationship was pulled way more farther than it should be, and they were almost separated. They stopped to care too much about their relationship and put more work into their studies more.

But, as time goes by, when they’ve finished their studies, the boy started to talk again to his crush. And in the end, the boy confesses to the girl, waiting for her answer. Cast: Ananda Putri A. Marchotridyo Puspa Chandra K. W. Imala Askania F. M. Fadhlan Miftah F. Kinanti Maryam J.

(We're all from X Science 3) Directed and edited by Marchotridyo Camera work by Fadhlan.

Musics used:
NCS Music
Drake - God's Plan (Instrumental)
Everything has Changed (Piano and guitar ver.)
Perfect (piano ver.)


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