Debate(s): Opinions. My Analysis and Thoughts about Other Group's Debates.
Hello, so, 2 weeks ago we have been doing a debate session within groups in our class (XI Science 3) and have been told to make a resume after all those sessions. So, here is my analysis, thoughts, and resume of all of those debates that has been presented! 1st Group Topic: Should the Government Nationalize Freeport? Pro: The supporting side said that the government will have a huge control over the people working there and states that in fact Freeport is kind of failing right now so it's time to take it over. Contra: The opposing side said that Indonesia is not ready yet, doesn't have enough resources to nationalize Freeport fully and work it without help from other countr(ies). My opinion: I think that we should work it out slowly, like still work with another country while dropping their percentage of ownership annually until we are ready to work it by our own. 2nd Group Topic: The Price of Eggs is Raising Because of Idul Fitri Pro: The supporting side said t...