Debate(s): Opinions. My Analysis and Thoughts about Other Group's Debates.

Hello, so, 2 weeks ago we have been doing a debate session within groups in our class (XI Science 3) and have been told to make a resume after all those sessions. So, here is my analysis, thoughts, and resume of all of those debates that has been presented!

1st Group Topic: Should the Government Nationalize Freeport?

The supporting side said that the government will have a huge control over the people working there and states that in fact Freeport is kind of failing right now so it's time to take it over.

The opposing side said that Indonesia is not ready yet, doesn't have enough resources to nationalize Freeport fully and work it without help from other countr(ies).

My opinion:
I think that we should work it out slowly, like still work with another country while dropping their percentage of ownership annually until we are ready to work it by our own.

2nd Group Topic: The Price of Eggs is Raising Because of Idul Fitri

The supporting side said that it is normal because there is the economic law of offers and demands. And, they need profit too. As demand is always increasing at that time of the year, it's normal to have egg prices increasing.

The opposing side said that it is not friendly for people who are in not good economic condition. Idul Fitri is supposed to be the time where they enjoy a little bit of luxury, but with the egg prices increasing it might not be so easy to get. Restaurants can't make enough money too if they don't charge higher prices.

My opinion:
I think, because it's an annually thing to happen (it happens every year!), I think it's time for us to already learn so we need to prepare for the increasing of egg prices by that time of year, e.g. save enough money or buy some before the day comes. I don't think you should blame society by the way how the economic laws should work - they should work the way they work, we just have to deal with it.

3rd Group Topic: Economic Growth After 1998

The supporting side said that after 1999, we started to see the increasing of GDP, HDI, Poverty, and an improvement in democracy as people started to choose the Government again instead of being chosen by MPR.

The opposing side said that before 1999 the society was better, so it's kind of downgrading now. Dollar value still increases, and a lot of corruption still happens. Prices were lower too at that time of year.

My opinion:
I think that the prices were low around that time of year because Indonesia was so ahead of other ASEAN countries at that time, meaning we have no competition example like in OPEC. I think we are doing good now in terms of prices, because we have a lot of competition and is still able to maintain a healthy price.
I do also think that if the same government from 1998, our economy will keep on plummeting badly, because it was after the reformation era that we started to regain back our economy after the rapid downfall in 1998. And for a fact, that the ruler at that time, Soeharto, is listed now as the most corrupt leader in the world.

4th Group Topic: Zoning Policy that Collides with Our Country's Fundamentals

The supporting side said that a lot of students are too far away from their school and the zoning policy will provide better infrastructures for every school and delete the criticism that the division between high-quality schools and low-quality schools are really visible currently. This is recognized by the results of the National Exam, where grades in Java are way more superior than other islands.

The opposing side said that even though students will be closer to school, they will still use their own transportation which still increases traffic jam and pollution. It also destroys the potential of smart kids who doesn't live close enough so they are not able to join the "favorite" schools. This also degrades the quality of the more reputable schools.

My opinion:
I am a bit mixed up in this, but I do disagree with the zoning policy. It kind of destroys the historical value of the more reputable schools which take time and a lot of investment to create. But at the same time, I disagree with people complaining that they can't get into the "favorite" school because of the policy. The old way still exists, just the quota is a bit lowered down. So, if they can't get into your favorite school because of that, I think it's their fault because they are simply not good enough or haven't done enough to get to the favorite school.


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