Edu Passion 2019

24th of January 2019. At that date, my school, 3 Senior High School, held an event named Edu Passion. It is a kind of a fair where universities all around Indonesia promote themselves to attract senior high school students to continue studying there, which is held annually. You can see my video blog of the last year's Edu Passion.This year's Edu Passion is named "Agranasta."

The opening ceremony were held in the morning, participated by the 12th grade students. Ridwan Kamil, our governor, attended it! It was held at the central field where we do our usual ceremonies every Monday.

Around 9am, the real event starts! Stands started opening up, and the whole event was open for public! There were a lot of students from other schools who came to our school just to check out our education fair. It's like an important activity for us because we can take a break from studying and have a moment for us to decide our future: that is, studying at university.

I visited a lot of stands! If I have to choose one in particular that's my favourite, it has to be ITB. The stand was pretty crowded because a lot of students, especially from our school, wants to go there. It's definitely the best university in Indonesia for students who's interested in technical stuffs.

There were a lot of stands that gives out souvenirs. I got plenty of totebags (which I store and use every day!) and also little gifts like pens, keychains, or even vouchers! I got a Rp1.000.000,- voucher for Edulab, although I'm not planning to use that anytime soon.

I also interviewed a lot of stands which I'll post them here soon, so be prepared! (This is as of 2:51pm in 06/03/2019, it should be here when the 7th of March comes, I promise you! I'll be posting the pictures too as currently I do not have them on my phone right now, but stored on my personal computer at home.)

Here are the photos:

The event ends around 3pm. Although, a lot of stands were already closing by 1pm. I participated in Edulab's passion test they gave out freely to people before they closed their stand. I didn't get to see the result, though. After that, I went home.

For me, Edu Passion is a pretty fun and useful activity to participate in. Not only you can relax from your studies, but also gain a lot of useful information that will surely be used to decide your future (that is if you want to continue your studies to an university).


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